Paul Kelley:

Paul Kelley
I worked in the Engineering Training Department July 64-August 68 – first at Minerva
Road and then at Radley House in South Ealing. I began on LEO III (never worked on the
326 or 360) until switching to System 4 in early 65.
I have in my possession a complete set of LEO III logic diagrams and microprograms. In
2013 I began documenting, in extreme detail, how the various subsystems within LEO III
operated. I had available to me the original text of my 1964 notes (and those of others) to
assist me. I was intrigued as to whether or not, after 39 years, I could still do it. By way
of illustration, attached is a Word doc of my efforts on the Coordinator which I ran by
Tony Morgan in December 2013. It won’t be too meaningful as there are extensive
hyperlinked references to the logic diagrams and other documents.
Also attached is an image of my folder structure. I include this in order to point out that
EVERYTHING I have has been scanned (1.5gb total) and to draw attention to the Orig
Text folder which contains all my notes of 1964 vintage for all the LEO III subsystems.
In sum, I think it would be appropriate to have a discussion with someone as to how best
to dispose of all the above so as to ensure that it is not lost. Some of it may be redundant
as it may already exist in the ‘archive’. Given that I am now 80 and the sole carer for my
wife, time to indulge oneself in this project is at something of a premium and whether I
will be able to finish the project problematical at best. In light of these circumstances I
would be happy to send a memory stick with everything on it and take advice on how best
to proceed with the hard copy versions

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